Why Hiring a Licensed Contractor
Gives An Important Level of Protection

Cape Coral Economic Development Office

Hire a Licensed Contractor If You Need Work Done!

(Cape Coral Economic Development Office)

If you are a Cape Coral resident or business who needs a licensed contractor to perform work as a result of Hurricane Irma, we encourage you to use the City of Cape Coral’s eTRAKiT database to search for one. It’s always important to use a licensed contractor for work on your property to ensure your protection. You can also use this tool to check if the contractor you already hired is licensed.

To search for a licensed contractor in Cape Coral to perform work at your home or business, you can search the City’s eTRAKiT database. Just follow the instructions below to access the database and find a licensed contractor. Remember, no out of state contractors can be used. Contractors must be registered / licensed in the City of Cape Coral.


Go to the following section of the City website: https://etrakit.capecoral.net/ETRAKiT3/Search/aec.aspx

  1. Under Contractor, Select ”Search Contractors“
  2. Under ”Search By“ Choose either License Type or Company Name. (i.e. Roofing, Plumbing, Electrical, Residential for homes or General or Building for commercial general contractors)
  3. You can choose what type of search you want by using the drop-down menu under contractors. Make sure you leave ”Contains“ in the search option (in the second drop-down box).

Make sure the Contractor’s Status in eTRAKiT is Active. Otherwise their license is not current in the City of Cape Coral.

A licensed Florida Contractor must be registered to work in the City of Cape Coral, and will be listed as ”Active“ if all requirements have been met (licensed, insured, registered, etc.).


According to the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR), some of the dangers of hiring an unlicensed person include:

  • Poor qualifications and poor quality work
  • No insurance and liability for injuries to others
  • Possible criminal background
  • Noncompliance with building codes
  • No coverage under homeowner’s policy

The DBPR also says to watch for ”red flags“ that indicate you may be dealing with an unlicensed contractor. Some of these include:

  • A claim to be ”licensed and insured“ but cannot produce a license
  • Want all or most of the money up front or will only accept cash
  • Want check written to them individually or to ”cash“
  • Oral agreement only
  • Unsolicited call or visit to your property

For the complete list, go to: http://www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/reg/ula-consumer-tips.html

We are all working to recover quickly and safely from Hurricane Irma. By hiring a licensed contractor, we believe you will not only feel safer, but you will be safer.

With our sincerest wishes for your recovery,
Your Cape Coral Economic Development Team
(reposted from email newsletter)